Source code for

Module providing helpers to deal with the debconf database, which is used to configure Debian packages.

import as shell
from typing import Union, List

class _DebconfTypeMeta(type):
    def __new__(mcs, name, underlying_type_hint, formatter):
        def init(self, value: underlying_type_hint):
            :param value:           the value to use for the answer
            self.value = value

        wrapper = type(name, (object,), {})
        wrapper.__doc__ = f"Class representing a debconf answer of type '{name}'"
        wrapper.__init__ = init
        wrapper.__str__ = formatter
        return wrapper

Select = _DebconfTypeMeta("Select", str, lambda self: f"select {self.value}")
MultiSelect = _DebconfTypeMeta("MultiSelect", List[str], lambda self: f"multiselect {', '.join(self.value)}")
String = _DebconfTypeMeta("String", str, lambda self: f"string {self.value}")
Boolean = _DebconfTypeMeta("Boolean", bool, lambda self: f"boolean {str(self.value).lower()}")
Note = _DebconfTypeMeta("Note", str, lambda self: f"note {self.value}")
Text = _DebconfTypeMeta("Text", str, lambda self: f"text {self.value}")
Password = _DebconfTypeMeta("Password", str, lambda self: f"password {self.value}")

[docs]def set_selections( package: str, question: str, value: Union[Select, MultiSelect, String, Boolean, Note, Text, Password] ): """ Insert an answer for a given question of a given package into the debconf database (see debconf-set-selections(1)) :param package: the package owning the question :param question: the name of the question :param value: the value to use as answer for this question """ return shell.command(f"echo {package} {question} {value} | debconf-set-selections")
[docs]def reset(package: str, question: str): """ Reset answers for a given question of a given package in the debconf database :param package: the package owning the question :param question: the name of the question """ return shell.command(f"echo RESET {question} | debconf-communicate {package}")
[docs]def unregister(package: str, question: str): """ Unregister a given question of a given package in the debconf database :param package: the package owning the question :param question: the name of the question """ return shell.command(f"echo UNREGISTER {question} | debconf-communicate {package}")
[docs]def purge(package: str): """ Purge all the answers for questions of a given package in the debconf database :param package: the package whose questions to purge """ return shell.command(f"echo PURGE | debconf-communicate {package}")