Installing ========== This section will explain how Quixote can be installed on your machine. **Quixote** leverages the Python language in order to provide a clean and simple API for scripting automated jobs. Thus, its only dependency is Python 3.8 (or higher), and it can then be installed through pip. Installing Python 3.8 and pip ----------------------------- If you don't have Python 3.8 (or higher) installed on your machine yet, you can obtain it by reading `the official installation instructions`_. To verify your installation, you can try the following commands in your terminal, and ensure that your versions are equivalent to or higher than those in the output below: .. code:: none > python3 --version Python 3.8.5 > pip3 --version pip 20.0.2 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.8) Installing Quixote ------------------ Once Python and pip are properly installed, Quixote can be obtained from pip using a single command: .. code:: none > pip3 install etna-quixote Installing Dulcinea ------------------- **Dulcinea** allows testing moulinettes written with Quixote locally. Just like Quixote, it can be obtained from pip: .. code:: none > pip3 install etna-dulcinea However, it also requires a working installation of **Docker**, in order to build and run the execution environments of the moulinettes. The installation process for Docker is explained in the `official guides`_. .. _official guides: .. _the official installation instructions: